Week 16 class meeting & assignment due

For our final class meeting — on Wednesday, Dec. 4 — read MacKinnon’s “Afterword to the Paperback Edition” (pages 251–268).

We will sum up the course and see what conclusions you have reached.

Reaction paper 5 (covers Part 5) is due at 10 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 2, in E Learning.

Week 14 class meeting

For our class meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 20, all you have to do is the reading (one chapter). It’s a long one! But as the conclusion of the hardcover edition, it sums up the book and points toward the future.

The “Afterword to the Paperback Edition” provides updates from 2012. We’ll read that for the final week of the semester.

To find the reading that is required, check the Course Schedule page, and find Week 14 in the list.

Please be prepared to discuss and ask questions about the assigned reading during class.

Week 12: Assignment due Monday

Trace My Shadow - click to view

The fourth reaction paper is due on Monday, Nov. 4, at 10 a.m. You will need to submit it in UF’s E Learning.

The requirements and instructions are all here: Required Work.

Comments on your previous reaction papers are available to you in the Assignments section of E Learning.

After you’ve submitted your paper, do the reading assigned for this week’s class (Week 12) — see the Course Schedule.

Week 10 class meeting

Click to see full graphic

For our class meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 23, all you have to do is the reading.

To find the reading that is required, check the Course Schedule page, and find Week 10 in the list.

Please be prepared to discuss and ask questions about the assigned reading during class.

Note: There is no PowerPoint for this week.

Week 9: Assignment due Monday

Part 3 - Consent of the Networked

The third reaction paper is due on Monday, Oct. 14, at 10 a.m. You will need to submit it in UF’s E Learning.

The requirements and instructions are all here: Required Work.

There is no reading assigned for this week’s class (Week 9) — see the Course Schedule.

Comments on your reaction papers 1 and 2 are available to you in the Assignments section of E Learning.

Note: There is no PowerPoint for this week.

Week 7 class meeting

This week, two chapters in the book are assigned.

As always, find them on the Course Schedule.

Have you been wondering how to review the PowerPoints from class? They are linked after class in the post for that week. For example, to find the PowerPoint from Week 6, open the Week 6 post. You will see the link at the bottom of the post.

Complete links to everything shown in the presentation are IN the presentation. The links are in the notes below the slide.

Update (Oct. 6): See the PowerPoint from class (week 7).